Beds: 4 Baths: 1 Car Park: 2

Property Description

This property is currently not available.

Property Available Now

This family home sits on a 1/4 acre block which is walking distance to the Kingaroy CBD, the hospital and the school at the top end of the street. This home features 4 bedrooms, modern two-Pac kitchen complete with breakfast bar and pantry, separate lounge, and dining plus a huge family room. There are polished timber floors and timber VJ walls The large family room houses a second toilet and access to the laundry. Large sliding glass doors open onto the rear pergola and the huge, fenced backyard. Outside you will find a front patio, rear pergola, small tank and poly tank with pump and a lock-up garage.

To apply please go to our website
** Please note to attend a viewing you will need to register for the viewing through our application system Snug, you will be required to “Check In” upon arriving to the property viewing by one of our staff

*** Please note we do not accept 1form applications.
As you can appreciate our office wishes to avoid the potential spread of germs. To ensure our current and prospective tenants safety – we ask that you please view all photos online and conduct a drive by to ascertain if the property suits your requirements. Once this has been done we invite you to submit an application form – subject to pre-approval and viewing of the property.
